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weekly_blog_post: Painting with a Purposee

November 16, 2011

UA - I Bleed Crimson

Today I attended “Painting with a Purpose” at the Ferguson Center Ballroom. This evening was in honor of the tornado victims and was sponsored by the arts department at the University of Alabama. One of the tornado victims, Megan, was an art student at UA, and her parents attended this function and displayed some of her artwork. Everyone who attended got their own canvas that they got to paint on. There were two artists, a husband and a wife (Caleb O’Conner and Ruth Jatib), who helped out with the evening by instructing us on how to paint. We painted an outline of the state of Alabama with a Cahaba Lily in the middle. The photo above is a picture of what I painted. It was a lot of fun trying to express myself by mixing paints and trying to recreate the image that was up on the screen at the front of the room. I liked this fine arts event because it was more interactive- I was able to participate in it. It was a pretty intense evening, however, because it did bring up memories from the April tornado, and I wasn’t really prepared for that. However, I am still glad that I went.

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One Comment
  1. Cool! I would have liked to attend this one. I think we’re all still trying to move on but not forget the memories from April.

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